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The Hawaii Business Consultancy

by Lesley Harvey

The Hawaii Business Consultancy

by Lesley Harvey

by Lesley Harvey
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Support for Small Businesses amidst the coronavirus pandemic

Was it only two weeks ago that our day-to-day lives completely changed? Only two weeks ago that the NBA cancelled their season, that we began to understand the toll of inaction, that the World Health Organization declared covid-19 a pandemic…

Then overnight, our global economy ground to a halt. Food flew off the shelves. School kids got the best gift they could have asked for – school’s out in March! But…..

The coronavirus pandemic has caused unprecedented levels of chaos and closures among small business owners and nonprofit organizations.

The mounting fear and uncertainty has led many to ask, “What do I do next to keep my organization afloat?”

Despite the bleakness all around us, there are REAL and IMMEDIATE solutions for organizations struggling to stay afloat. For advice on how to survive, and even thrive, in these perilous times, we are a resource you can return to again and again. With over ten years successfully helping businesses grow and adapt, THBC is here to support you and your staff in getting back on track. Here are a few resources to get you started:

For millions of business owners all over the world, the bottom has dropped out amidst the coronavirus pandemic, leaving us with more questions than answers. The Hawaii Business Consultancy is in the know on steps our government is taking to provide help, for businesses, maybe for a business just like yours.

Is there help for small businesses and nonprofits?

Where can I find it?

What do I do next?

Where do I find more information?

There are ways that you can get help. And more help is coming.

Businesses are the furnace of our country’s economic engine, creating movement and growth in times of prosperity; stalled to a halt in times of global crisis.

The Federal Government recently initiated the largest nationwide economic recovery plan in the country’s history. Additionally, private organizations and foundations are doing their part to provide support to business owners all over the world.

The success of struggling business owners and nonprofits in these times will depend largely on their ability to identify and successfully identify and pursue assistance as needed.

With over ten years of experience supporting business and nonprofits in addition to obtaining Federal, local, and foundation grants for organizations of all sizes, The Hawaii Business Consultancy (THBC) is prepared to help your business or institution find help and get back on track TODAY!

THBC provides a wide-range of business consulting services, including operational and strategic development, funding opportunity analysis, grant writing, loan application, direct project management, and expertise in a number of industries including agriculture, economics, sustainable tourism strategy, education and training, and healthcare.

Our personalized approach to business consulting ensures that each organization with whom we collaborate receives services tailored to its location, size, operational capacity, and current financial standing. We ensure that our clients remain up to date on new developments in government and private funding support by sharing information directly with stakeholders and maintaining a robust website with easily-accessible content pertaining to recent news about the current crisis and opportunities for relief.

THBC looks forward to consulting with your executives or operating teams in the near future. Together, we can ensure that your organization stays afloat, adapts to the uncertainty of the market, and comes out stronger in the end!

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